Townley Grammar School
Townley Grammar School
Established in 1937, Townley Grammar School stands as a distinguished and longstanding girls-only grammar school situated in Bexleyheath, a suburban area in South East London. Over the years, the school has meticulously maintained and upgraded its primary structure, an elegant and historic building, creating an ideal educational environment for its students.
Townley Grammar School is renowned for providing unparalleled academic opportunities, offering a comprehensive range of subjects at both GCSE and A-level. This allows students to blend artistic interests with academic dedication, striking a balance between creative freedom in artistic subjects and a more structured approach in computing and mathematics. The curriculum is thoughtfully designed to help students refine their skills, broaden their knowledge, and foster creativity, curiosity, and critical thinking.
In addition to its robust academic curriculum, Townley Grammar School provides students with an array of extracurricular opportunities. These include participation in athletic groups, musical and theatrical performances, debate clubs, and philanthropic endeavors, allowing students to nurture their passions and abilities beyond the classroom.
Townley's core values permeate all its initiatives, aiming to foster a community that stimulates intellectual, emotional, and physical confidence. The school emphasizes the cultivation of determination, bravery, and empathy while enhancing students' communication abilities, encouraging creativity, and fostering forward thinking. As a result, students are equipped to contribute positively to their community.
The school boasts a commendable history of academic achievement, consistently achieving exceptional examination outcomes in both GCSE and A-Level. Recognized with outstanding ratings from Ofsted and commendations from The Department for Education for its groundbreaking approach, Townley Grammar School provides an atmosphere where young women can grow into passionate individuals eager to contribute to making the world a better place for others.
County / Area:
Girls Grammar
London (Borough of Bexley)
Townley Grammar School does not establish a specific catchment area, it employs oversubscription criteria that prioritize pupils residing in closer proximity to the school.
Number of places in Year 7:
Total number of students:
8+ applicants for every place
Townley Grammar School, Townley Road, Bexleyheath DA6 7AB, UK
11+ Exam Details:
Exam Board/Format:
The 11+ examination at Townley Grammar School comprises two multiple-choice papers, each with a duration of approximately 50 minutes.
⇒ Test 1: Verbal Skills – Comprehension, Technical English & SPAG, Verbal Reasoning
⇒ Test 2: Mathematics & Non-Verbal Reasoning (including elements of Spatial Reasoning)
The Townley Grammar School 11+ examination comprises two multiple-choice papers, each with an approximate duration of 50 minutes.
⇒ Test 1: Verbal Skills – Comprehension, Technical English & SPAG, Verbal Reasoning
This test consists of two sections. The paper commences with a reading passage followed by comprehension questions. Subsequently, there are questions assessing two of the following three topics: Spelling, Punctuation, and Sentence Completion. The Verbal Reasoning section evaluates the child's ability to discern rules and relationships between words and letters.
⇒ Test 2: Mathematics & Non-Verbal Reasoning (with elements of Spatial Reasoning)
This test also comprises two sections. Section 1 covers Mathematics questions that assess students’ mathematical skills, problem-solving abilities, and logical reasoning. Section 2 includes multiple timed subsections assessing Non-Verbal Reasoning (NVR) and Spatial Reasoning. NVR questions gauge students' ability to solve problems using visual and abstract reasoning, while Spatial Reasoning tests spatial awareness, mental rotation, visualization, and problem-solving skills.
The exam, created by GL Assessment, consists entirely of multiple-choice questions, with answers to be marked in the provided answer booklet. Most questions require the selection of one correct answer, although some Verbal Reasoning questions may necessitate choosing two answer choices. While rough paper is not provided, students can write on the question booklet to aid in working out answers. However, these workings are neither submitted nor marked.
Students receive separate age-standardized scores for each of the three subject areas:
Verbal Ability – Comprehension, Technical English, and VR
Numerical Ability – Mathematics
Non-Verbal Ability – NVR and Spatial Reasoning
A total age-standardized score is then calculated to determine eligibility for entry, with the total score being weighted by combining 50% of the Verbal Ability score, 25% of the Numerical Ability score, and 25% of the Non-Verbal Ability score.
Exam Date:
Registration Starts:
Registration Closes:
September 2024
April 2023
June 2023
Results can be checked through the school website.
How to prepare:
We run specialist 11+ online courses focussing on the GL Assessment (Verbal Reasoning, Mathematics & Non-Verbal Reasoning). The sessions are online and highly interactive. Speak to us about how we can help your child.
Mock Exams: Our mock exams are designed to reflect the real exam in complexity and format. Click here to view the mock exam schedule.
Practice Papers: Practice packs designed to help your child master the entire syllabus.